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Rigby Golding LLP - Solicitors and Notaries Public

Contact Us

Contact with our clients is very important to us, so we try to offer as many contact methods as possible.

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Email Us

For general enquiries please use mail@rigbygolding.co.uk . If you are currently a client of ours you will have access to the direct email address of the lawyer dealing with your case.

Phone us on 01932 765 741

or fax us on 01932 765 720

Find Our Offices

We are based on The Parade at Sunbury Cross roundabout.

Parking is available at the rear and disabled access to our offices is also available.

Find us on Google Maps for more details and to get directions.

We are open between 9AM and 5PM weekdays.

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Write to Us

Our address is:  Rigby Golding, 57 Staines Road West, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 7AU

Our DX address is: DX 100350 Sunbury-on-Thames

Sunbury Cross, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7AU, England Tel: 01932 765 741 Fax: 01932 765 720 DX 100350 Sunbury-on-Thames
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