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Rigby Golding LLP - Solicitors and Notaries Public

Wills and Inheritance Tax Planning

Garden Susan Webster, TEP, is a qualified Solicitor and Notary Public. She is also a qualified member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, making her one of the most experienced and senior practitioners in the field of trusts and estates.

Whether you want to make a simple will, or have more complex requirements, we can help you consider all aspects at a no-obligation consultation. We will discuss and explain all the options to you, including the inheritance tax implications.

If you have a larger estate we can discuss ways to minimise the tax payable.

Key Facts - Inheritance tax

This section explains the key rules that determine how much Inheritance Tax you will pay.

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Key Facts - Children, Parental Responsibility and Guardianship

Since the advent of the Children Act 1989 there has been a dramatic change in the way the Law regards relationships between parents and children. The change in the Law is intended to produce a change in the way children and their families are treated so that in future the Courts will not interfere in the arrangements parents make for their children unless a specific problem arises. One of the main changes is that the Law has brought in the concept of "Parental Responsibility".

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